Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happiness found?

I find with all the people I talk to that many in today’s society are not happy with who they are. They want newer shoes, name-brand clothing, flashy new cars or the latest hybrid, the five star services, the modern but old school home, and the latest distractions. Those are just things; people are also disappointed with their hair, or lack of, their size, their looks, and bodies as a whole. Sadly, people are also disappointed in their own dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Why?

God wants us to be happy people. He does not guarantee it but He desires it. God also does not put these pressures on us, we do. God’s word tells us in Genesis that, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. If we are made in the image of God, why do those other things matter so much to us? Separation.

God wants us to take care of our body and we should consider what we need to do if we are under or over weight, but God does not judge us for that. I struggle with being overweight and know that as a temple made in the image of God I need to work on that in my life, so where is my separation? I over-indulge in things like candy and sweets and I focus more energy into being idol then working diligently. I understand my shortcomings and know I need to start the work. I do not need you to admit to me what sin, what separates you from God but He does. He needs to know if He is going to help. So if my over-indulgence and laziness are two things I need to work on I have to take it to God in prayer and ask for strength to move on. This is no different if your separation from God comes by way of things, dreams, or other appearances. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

I am not always happy with the person I was, the person I am, and sometimes worry about the person 
I will become. I do know that if I walk a life that God desires me too there is less to not be happy about. 
I sin; my sin causes separation between me and my Savior, not because he put it there but because I did. 
Discuss with God the separation between the two of you, ask him to pull you close again, and work on the
 things that separated you to begin with. If we only wanted God as much as He wants us we would find true

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand,
 that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 


  1. Beautifully put. Thank you Brett, I needed that today!

    1. You are welcome Tracy. I thank God for giving me the ideas to write about and the 6 or 8 people who look. I know that it will meet someone right where they are at. Happy it could help you today. God is good.
