Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Be in the Light

A young mother holds her child for the first time. A comfort and joy comes after the pains of labor. The child, a boy, is laid to rest in a manger. After their travels there was no room in the inn, and the boy was meant to come on this day. High above the stables nestled directly above the manger where he laid shined a star so bright that it could be seen from all corners. In a time of darkness and despair God had sent a Light.

There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9

Over 250 babies are born every minute in today’s world. On this day, a day we call Christmas there is 1440 minutes, that means 360,000 babies will be born to our world today. Born into a world where many will not make it to their first birthday. Many will die of starvation or thirst. Others will fall into the hands of darkness, sold or trained to fight wars that have no purpose or meaning. There will be some who grow up to be punching bags for abusive adults, others will not be seen or heard even though they were there all alone. A few will have what we like to call normal lives, graduate from school, maybe go on to college, and probably have a family of their own someday while working in an endless cycle of buying and selling. A select few will be seen by the world as the elite, with money and power at their every disposal, and the ability to change minds with just a simple word or two. This does not cover all who will be born this day but a vast majority. In this group of children will be men and women who devote their lives to shining God’s light, some may fall into a category above while others may choose to simply walk their own path guided by God.

So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. Hebrews 9:28

So again our world has returned to darkness. Even those who claim to walk in the light straddle a fine line between where the shadows are and where the Light of Jesus shines. We are all sinners; we all need a Savior. Christmas has become part of that fine line we walk. It is a consumer driven world where many of us spend hours of our days finding and wrapping the perfect gifts but then go to church to worship the Light.  I enjoy the presents; enjoy seeing even my oldest teenager’s face light up when getting some trivial item like pajama pants but do I spend enough time being thankful for the most important gift? The Light.

Two thousand years ago our Savior was born to us, laid in a manger, hunted, He preached and taught, He guided, and He lit the path, and died for our sins. Just as it says in Hebrews above Jesus came to our world to be the Light, to take away the sins of many. Celebrate that life not only Christmas day but every day, for soon our Light shall return and take with him those who have been waiting. May the Light shine on you and your family this day and Merry Christmas.

“Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20

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