Monday, May 12, 2014

Juggling too much? Are you?

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Philippians 4:5

Do you juggle too much? I do, often! I have always needed to be doing something. I work as many hours as possible, I am a full-time student, a father of five teens, attempting to bring more kids in the house as others leave, and husband to an amazing wife who is equally as busy.

The problem is there are only 24 hours in a day right? Well that is a true statement but how are you spending your 24 hours? Let’s break it down.

The average person sleeps 7.5 hours per day, leaving 16.5 hours.

The average person works 8 hours per day and travels .25 hours back and forth to work for a total of 8.5 hours leaving 8 hours.

Then there is the miscellaneous time, such has bathroom time, preparation for day, freshening up, also eating and talking with family, the average is 3 hours per day in the typical American home, leaving 5 hours.

As a full-time student I should spend a few of those doing homework each day but instead I cram it all into one or two days off…

So what is the 5 hours used for? Well sadly it’s used for screen time, usually the computer or today’s time thief, the smart phone. One may throw a walk or run into that 5 hours of free time but sadly statistics show that most people don’t interact personally anymore because they have a screen in their face, for 5 hours!
So there it is, 24 hours, one day, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds, what do you do with it?

When I feel like I am not overwhelmed with my busy day I try and add in some quiet time with God, he gets what’s left of me instead of the best of me. What a sad reality but realty still the same. I am ashamed to admit that but I have to so you all can pray for me that I reverse that thinking and give God the best part of my day and use, if any that is left over for the crap that steals my time. But if I am giving God the best, and my family the rest, would I even need those time fillers and would I feel like I am juggling too much? So ask yourself, are you juggling too much?  Are you giving Him the best of your time, and not just the rest?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Sometimes we juggle more than we can handle, ask my amazing friend, Presto

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