Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Biblical Ballot

Should we ever mix religion and politics? I do not think this is even a valid question. Our spiritual believes should guide everything we do. From how we pick out our clothes, what we watch on TV, where we eat dinner, and definitely who we vote for.

This is not a plug for either candidate in this upcoming election; you have to choose who fits your beliefs and stick behind them, even if they lose. I am not even sure there is an actual right vote, but I do know there is an absolute right way in choosing who it is you will vote for. So how do we make this decision? Remembering that this is a big one, the man we elect into office will make laws, literal law makers. As a law maker we need to examine the candidate’s morals. Morals are a person’s belief of God and their sense of truth. Not everyone has the same belief in God or gods and some may believe in different standards of god. If a man believes that it is ok in his own god’s eyes to steal, then morally it is ok to them. According to the bible in just four simple words, “You shall not steal.” Exodus 20:15
So we should follow our bible when voting, correct? Well yes, the Bible is God’s word, our map to a future that gives us an eternal kingdom found only in him. We should use it again for everything, especially big stuff like picking a leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. So how do we start? We cannot look at political parties, I know I will catch some slack for this but it is the biblical truth. We must look at the candidates personal principles. What is their standard of living? Do they profess to be a Christian but not live out their faith or show they have faith at all? In Deuteronomy 1:13 we are told; “Choose some well-respected men from each tribe who are known for their wisdom and understanding, and I will appoint them as your leaders.”

Some characteristics of a good candidate would include integrity, a good reputation, leadership capabilities, a commitment to truth, and should uphold the United States Constitution and the Laws given to us by a Mighty God. Found in the bible in 1 Timothy 3:1-4, here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. 2 Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect.

At this point you are probably thinking, I am not sure either man has these qualities. Of course not, only one man walked the earth perfectly and that was Jesus. Sadly he will not be running this year. So how do we choose? We choose the one, again, that best fits our own moral beliefs. We start by looking at the big issues. Now these “big issues” may be different for everyone but they shouldn’t be. When people start discussing big issues we need to look first at sin, big issue. Romans 6:23 says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Does this mean that all sin is equal? NO. Paul says in his letters to the Corinthians that many sins are outside the body and while still sin do not hold the same punishment as those within the body. So here I hit you with the big ones. Sexual impurity; sex that is outside the marriage bed of a man or woman, which would include affairs, sex out of wedlock, and homosexual relationships. Another one that happens to carry more weight, still inside the body is the shedding of innocent blood, abortion. God hates this, we were made in his image (Genesis 1:27-27), Jeremiah 1:5a states that before we were even formed in the womb God knew us and loved us. The last big issue is fiscal responsibility. Which candidate will make the right choices for this country when it comes to our financial well-being? This can easily be determined not by what the man promises but by how he lives his own life personally and publicly.

So a brief recap; we should vote for the person that most closely follows the same moral beliefs. Vote based on research and prayer. Vote based on biblical truth. You may agree mostly with the other candidate because they say they will give you more, they will tax less, or believe in the right to choose. Need I remind you, we have always had the right to choose and look where that led us? So biblical truth says that you should vote for someone who is fiscally responsible, against sexual immoralities, and abortions, all abortions and this is not really disputable. Do your homework, make up your own mind, and make sure you vote. It is not only important for this nation but for the kingdom of Heaven.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Our obsessions with distractions; a look at how our need for instant puts bumps in our path to eternal.

I read a story of a man named Peter. Peter is an average American guy and likes today's modern conveniences. Peter bought an Ipad from
Apple but after a couple weeks returned it. He did not return if because of defect or ineffectiveness. So why did Peter take it back? Peter found himself obsessed with it, reaching for it in times that he should have been doing something else such as hanging out with his family or playing with his children.

Romans 12:2 says, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Is our need for instant gratification conforming us to the world? I must admit I am almost exactly like Peter. I do not own an Ipad but I do the same with my phone, with my Kindle, and many other distractions. They are not all bad things. I use my Kindle to read my bible, and do two daily devotionals, but compared to the time I spend checking Facebook or playing games, the bible is at a loss.

God also gave us the knowledge to take raw materials and turn them into beneficial creations. His counterpart, Satan also uses that knowledge to make things that man may have intended for good and turn them evil. The list is to big to even consider looking at but mentioning a few should give you a vivid perspective. The computer was made for mass data storage, faster communications, and financial book keeping. Now anyone can access pages devoted to hate, demon-ism, and pornography.

We have lost respect for our quiet time. We have put machine in front of family. We have became a society more familiar with the top 10 worse dresses worn at the Grammy Awards then the 10 Commandments. I am not saying go throw your phones, computers, and tablets away as they are useful tools in today's fast paced world. What I am saying is there has to be a balance, a degree of appreciation for those extras but not an obsession with them.

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21

A broken world

A broken world

Daily we are bombarded with images of pain, horror, deceit, and lust and this is just a half hour of the news. Men and women try playing this off, lying to themselves and others. 'People are inherently good.' 'The world is g
etting better.' 'I know we can have peace and everyone can just get along.'

These are lies, lies told to us by a demon that wants us to believe that we have to power to change this whole world. So what is the truth? The bible tells us that human beings are no innately good and kind, and society is not progressing towards universal peace and harmony. WHY!?!

Man's sin is a constant state of reality. If you do not believe that they ignore the nightly news, let your children run the streets, and do not lock you door at night. Since man was made to leave the garden we have sinned, not one of us here are perfect.

Sorry to be so down on everyone's Friday. I actually do not like Fridays and Saturdays because I work. I sit in a room that is filled with some of the most disgusting sin I can think of. God doesn't view sin like that. God sees sin as sin.

I have good news however, there is a key. There is a lifeline. It is free and available to anyone willing to except it. With this key, whether we live or we die, we cannot lose. This key is Christ! He took our sin and he became it. A baptism in the Holy Spirit washing away our sin and providing us a place in the kingdom of Heaven. We are sons and daughters of a living God who heals, strengthens, and most of all LOVES. Jesus said in John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

So happy Friday, now ask yourself; "Do I want a life fit for a prince or princess, a life lived to the full?" Please ask me, I would love to share the key. Because if you are reading this and even if you don't, you are worth it.

How we see things.

There is an old Arab proverb that goes like this, "All sunshine makes a desert." What if we saw things like God does? Jesus said, "In this world, you will have many troubles." He did not stop there, there was more to this story. Jesus also
said, "Take heart. I have overcome the world." We all have troubles, sometimes we view them as really big things when in most cases they are not.

God gives us a plan, shows us a path, and in this country, above all others, has called us to do something great! Friday I heard a great man speak, Sammy Adebiyi. He said as Americans we are at the front of the line, top of the list, the cream of the crop. And God's plan for us in this position is to help the ones in the back, or even the middle or maybe just the guy standing right behind you.

Does traffic have you impatient today? Did someone steal your parking spot or worse yet take up two so you can't even park in the open one? Do you have to wait in a long line to get your $5 cup of coffee? Yes, many of us will have this today, I know I will. The question God asks us to consider is "What will you do about it Brett? Will you stand in frustration, anger, and selfishness or will you use those extra few moments to pray. Use them to pray for the others in traffic who also want to safely get home to their families. Pray for the man who took both parking spots because he was in a rush with a sick wife and child at home. Pray for the people around you in the coffee shop, who like in this video have troubles of their own. Loneliness, heart ache, pain, addiction, abusive spouses or parents, grieving, and some who don't even know who I am."

I do not think I would want a pair of God's glasses but this is what His word tells us to do, if you love Jesus, want to live as he did, you must put them on, put Him on and CARE!.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12


Sometimes God shows us something even when we did not realize we needed it. Obviously this is a great song and a great story about forgiveness. Over the last several years I have reached out to people I needed forgiveness from and gave forgiveness to people that was quite difficult. Today God has shown me that there are people out there that need forgiveness from you that you may not remember or realize.

I learned this after receiving a call today from a man I vaguely remember from middle school. He asked me to forgive him for being a bully, causing a fight that ultimately led him to be sent into a juvenile program. Ironically the exact program I work for today. I did not even remember this fight until he called. It was easily forgiven but I will not easily forget. Typically when that is said people tend to say they forgive you but keep record of it, on occasion fester over it, and ultimately are judged for it. This is different, when I say I will not forget it is because it showed me that God’s love is based on forgiveness, Jesus said in Luke 23:24 Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

I felt God’s love today in full strength that I can as a sinful man. I do not know if the man who called is saved or not but he did a lot in the path to saving me. Thank you Jesus for this sacrifice of Love.